jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Confint EU: Carta Abierta a autoridades políticas

Open letter
We, the youth of Europe, have gathered in Brussels, on the 14th-15th-16th May 2012 and worked with zeal and ardour in order to find solutions to the environmental problems we are deeply concerned about.
We need to be heard and we need your cooperation, you decision-makers, in order to change the society's attitude towards Mother Nature.
We debated on these issues: energy, transport, solidarity, consumption, biodiversity and natural resources. We agreed on the following responsibilities and commitments.
We deem ourselves responsible of raising people's awareness about reducing exhausting and polluting energies and replacing them with renewable energies.
To this end, we commit ourselves to:
1. Create workshops to inform people, organise visits and special events, create videos, etc.
2. Urge decision-makers to take notice of renewable energies.
Nature is essential to all of us because our life is based on it. We want to discuss the problems related to natural resources and biodiversity. The problem is that people abuse them and there are less and less resources available.
We want to make people aware of the stakes of biodiversity and make them protect it from the dangers of global warming in order to preserve it for future generations.
To this end, we commit ourselves to:
1. Introduce special lessons and school projects about biodiversity and natural resources.
2. Organize trips and meetings and call the NGOs in order to support us. Let’s not forget about using social media in order to inform the people about what we think would be best.

We feel responsible for creating social connections between people of all ages in local and international communities.
To this end, we commit ourselves to:
1. Organize web debates for solving problems and improving communication. Write to the editors of local newspapers to inform our municipalities.
2. Conduct projects in schools that connect the students at national and international levels, which include partnerships.
3. Create environmental committees in European schools which will tackle environmental issues in their neighbourhood.
We also feel responsible for what we buy and consume. Therefore, we commit ourselves to:
1. Choose local and organic products made by companies which care about the environment and their workers. For this, we want to know, thanks to the labels, if companies respect the environment, their workers and how they do it.
2. Create contents that could be broadcasted by all the media and that can make all the people responsible for what they buy.
One of our biggest concerns these days is the pollution caused by transport. Every one of us
can take part in reducing carbon emissions by riding bikes and walking, but it is not enough.
The support of the decision-makers would be greatly appreciated.
We want to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution by taking public transport, walking,
riding bikes or skateboards, consuming local products and encouraging people to do the
To this end, we commit ourselves to:
1. Organise events to collect money for the construction of bike parking, the creation of bicycle and walking paths and carpooling preferential roads.
2. Make a list of locally made products and draw a map of providers that can collaborate with consumers; sign agreements between school headmasters and the local producers so as they could buy it at lower prices which would enable students to eat for a fair price.

Having mentioned our responsibilities and commitments, we now kindly request your collaboration and participation.

You, School Headmasters
We represent the students in your schools and around the world. We like our schools and going to school is part of our everyday life. We want our schools to be more eco-friendly and this letter is a proof that we are ready to help you. But we need you, headmasters!
You, Journalists
We ask you to take notice of the actions we have undertaken during the process of the Youth European Conference and spread the word with all the means in your possession, taking into account 2.0 tools.
We also demand you to relay information we and you will gather about good practices, youth experiences, respectful companies, etc., in order to raise people’s awareness.
You, Company Leaders
We, future workers, want you to implement sustainable development by being eco-friendly, by respecting human rights and by implementing participatory management. If so, we will be involved and constructive for the company. Moreover, we suggest every stakeholder to write their own charter of responsibilities.
You, Mayors
We need your support to organize events in order to raise funds and increase awareness such as concerts, charity fairs, etc. Citizens should be awarded and encouraged for being eco-friendly with lower taxes and prizes.
You, Members of the International Institutions
We want you to create Green institutions that represent citizens including a Green Parliament that will have the power to legislate, to debate on sustainability and suggest actions to fight climate change.
You need to invest on awareness-raising for the citizens and to launch campaigns about sustainable development.
You should elaborate policies on clean and renewable energy production methods and improve the efficiency of existing ones.
Corporations should be convinced to put clear labels on their products indicating how they spend their money.
More subsidies should be given to the civil society that is involved to take care of the environment and the people.

Now that you have become aware of our commitments and requests, we shall conclude by saying that we are in this world all together, that the Earth is our home and its future is in our hands. You must hear our voice and we urge you to spread it in all the communities all around the world. At the moment, we have a chance to make a transition from a grey Planet to a green Planet. Thank you in advance.
We want to share our ideas with you. We hope you will take these requests seriously. That's why we need your help because you have the power to decide to fight human-induced causes of Climate Change and to reduce the injustices. We must be critical and choose the interests of all the people to have a better world. When there is a will, there is a way.

Written in Brussels, by 62 European young Delegates from 14 countries, 16th May 2012.
(participating countries: Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy,
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey)

Accesible en: http://confint-europe.net/public/PROJET_2010-2012/Conf_Europe_Mai_2012/PRODUCTIONS/open_letter_16mai2012.pdf 

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